About Chamundi Hills

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About Chamundi Hills
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The temple is famous for the celebrations of festivals like Aashada Shukravara, Navaratri and Ammanavara Vardhanthi. In the month of Ashadha, Fridays are considered particularly auspicious. Lakhs of devotees throng the temple during this occasion. Another festival celebrated during this month is Chamundi Jayanti. This day is celebrated on the anniversary of the consecration of the utsava murthy of the goddess by the Maharaja of Mysore. On this occasion, the goddess's icon is taken around the temple in a golden palanquin. The most important festival that is celebrated here is Navaratri. Mysore Dasara is celebrated as the state festival of Karnataka, called Nadahabba in Kannada. During Navaratri, the Goddess is decorated in 9 different ways to depict nine different aspects of the goddess. On the 7th day of Navaratri that is Kaalaratri, valuable jewels donated by Maharajas are brought from the District Treasury of Mysuru and decorated to Chamundi. Another temple is situated at the foothill which is in Utthanahalli called as Jwalamuki Shri Tripurasundari Temple. This goddess is considered the sister of Chamundi who helped her at the battlefield to slay the demon Raktab?ja.

Chamundi Hills Address
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Chamundeshwari Temple, Chamundi Hill, Mysuru, Karnataka 570010

Chamundi Hills Timings
No worries you can be on time!
Day | Timing |
Monday | 7:30am–2pm, 3:30–6pm, 7:30–9pm |
Tuesday | 7:30am–2pm, 3:30–6pm, 7:30–9pm |
Wednesday | 7:30am–2pm, 3:30–6pm, 7:30–9pm |
Thursday | 7:30am–2pm, 3:30–6pm, 7:30–9pm |
Friday | 7:30am–6pm, 7:30–9pm |
Saturday | 7:30am–2pm, 3:30–6pm, 7:30–9pm |
Sunday | 7:30am–6pm, 7:30–9pm |

Chamundi Hills Entry Ticket Price
We value you, it is affordable
Adult Entry Fee: 0.00 per person
Child Entry Fee: NA
Foreign Nationals Fee: NA

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