Maharashtra Tourism
Maharashtra Tourism
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation :
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) has been established under the Companies Act, 1956, (fully owned by Govt. of Maharashtra) for systematic development of tourism on commercial lines, with an authorized share capital of Rs. 25 crore. The paid up share capital of the Corporation as on 31st March 2013 is Rs. 1538.88 lakhs.
The Corporation receives from the State Government financial assistance in the form of share capital and grants. The State Government has entrusted all commercial and promotional tourism activities to this Corporation.
MTDC has, since its inception, been involved in the development and maintenance of the various tourist locations of Maharashtra. MTDC owns and maintains resorts at all key tourist centers and having more resorts is on the plan.
Ministry of Tourism :
The Ministry of Tourism, is the nodal agency for the formulation of national policies and programs and for the co-ordination of activities of various Central Government Agencies, State Governments/UTs and the Private Sector for the development and promotion of tourism in the country.This Ministry is headed by the Union Minister of State for Tourism (Independent Charge).
The administrative head of the Ministry is the Secretary (Tourism). The Secretary also acts as the Director General (DG) Tourism. The office of the Director General of Tourism {now merged with the office of Secretary (Tourism)} provides executive directions for the implementation of various policies and programs. Directorate General of Tourism has a field formation of 20 offices within the country and 14 offices abroad and one sub-ordinate office/project i.e. Indian Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering (IISM)/ Gulmarg Winter Sports Project. The overseas offices are primarily responsible for tourism promotion and marketing in their respective areas and the field offices in India are responsible for providing information service to tourists and to monitor the progress of field projects.The activities of IISM/GWSP have now been revived and various Ski and other courses are being conducted in the J&K valley.
The Ministry of Tourism has under its charge a public sector undertaking, the India Tourism Development Corporation and the following autonomous institutions:
Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM) and National Institute of Water Sports (NIWS) National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT) and the Institutes of Hotel Management.
Role and Functions of the Ministry of Tourism :
The Ministry of Tourism functions as the nodal agency for the development of tourism in the country. It plays a crucial role in coordinating and supplementing the efforts of the State/Union Territory Governments, catalyzing private investment, strengthening promotional and marketing efforts and in providing trained manpower resources. The functions of the Ministry in this regard mainly consist of the following:
All Policy Matters, including :
- Development Policies.
- Incentives.
- External Assistance.
- Manpower Development.
- Promotion & Marketing.
- Investment Facilitation.
Maharashtra Tourism Head Office Address :
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
Apeejay House, 4th Floor,
3 Dinshaw Vachha Road,
Near K.C College,
Churchgate, Mumbai-20.
Maharashtra Tourism Contact Number :
24 x 7 Toll Free Multi-Lingual Tourist Helpline (By Min. of Tourism)
Toll Free No: 1800 111 363
Tel No : (022) 22044040
See More Information Visit Us Website : www.maharashtratourism.gov.in